Entry no 24(Paranormal Romance)

For how he loved her was equal to every drop in the ocean. He was dead but the love he had for her had not let his soul to rest. Pretty as a rose as she was, he would look up from the sky, she felt his presence everywhere she went. Their love was eternally bound, for he was killed for loving her. She fell for a soul, he would sometimes touch her, that made a chill run through her spine. Making her romantically inclined towards him. He had a burning desire to have her, he had a passion to fulfil, for love. He wanted to be her crowd when ran out of cross roads. He wanted to take her with him. Having no lust for her body, he wanted her soul, he wanted love that would never die out. On the eve of her birthday, he would take her into the skies and never let her go. For this was endless love.

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P.s: You may visit  our judge Neelima Vinod’s Facebook page and have a look at her upcoming novel Unsettled.

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