Y – YESTERDAY is gone
E – EASILY it slipped by –
S – SORRY it’s gone!
T – TODAY is new,
R – RIGHT or wrong
D – DAY or night
A – ARE you living right?
Y – YOUR life is your own
T – TODAY, do what you will
O – ONLY do it right
D – DEPEND on God’s right
A – ALWAYS trust Him
Y – YES, dear friend, trust in Him.
Yesterday is an experience of the past – gone
What e’er it may be, whether it be joy or sorrow;
and what of sweet tomorrow?
What e’er it brings, let us rejoice,
We are children of today – the sweet tomorrow
promised yesterday,
Let live today the present NOW
Let go of yesterday’s grief, shame and pain.
Let go of what WAS, embrace what IS.
– Maria Vendryes
Maria Vendryes, in her book, Inspirational Poems and Writings, creatively wrote about how people can take steps to self-advancement and finding new dimensions.
At the start of each year, resolutions are made to improve aspects of people’s lives for self-actualisation. When the resolutions are made, the results of self-fulfillment can only be realised when the resolutions come true.
In essence, how are resolutions kept to provide the satisfaction desired? Here are some pointers.
1. Write them down
Very often, you conceptualize what you want to change but you make a pact when you write them down. Be specific about what you want to do. Vague resolutions will not come true. Place them in a private place where you can read them everyday to internalize them, so it eventually becomes your experience. Resist the tendency to show your resolutions to too many people as some negative thoughts as in bad-mindedness could kill your goals. Before you write your resolutions, do some soul-searching as to why you keep the same unwanted behaviour year after year.
2. Check last year’s list
You may come up with the same goals because you did not have much success during the year; you need to assess how well you did last year. Where there was not much progress, you need to change your strategies to achieve success.
3. Increase emotional intelligence (EI)
There is much to be said for increasing emotional intelligence which accounts more for your success and happiness than IQ. Emotional intelligence defined by Wikipedia is the ability, capacity or skill to perceive, assess or manage the motions of one’s self, of others or groups. Emotional intelligence accounts for promotions and general self-advancement. You may need to take part in programmes that will increase your EI.
4. Reassess your goals
Every quarter, reassess your goals to measure your success. There is nothing more frustrating than a goal you can never achieve. Depending on what is taking place in your life, you may have to assess your resolutions to match the reality of what is taking place in your life. Keep a journal to record moods, attitudes or events. This will help with your assessment – you may be motivated to continue or you may feel defeated in the process. If you feel over-whelmed in meeting your goals, you should seek help from a counsellor or other professional who can help you work through some of the issues.
5. Be organised
An organised mind is one sure way of keeping your resolutions. If your goal is to lose weight, you have to plan for getting healthy foods, if you are going out to dinner or hanging with friends. Diarise exercise times and meeting you financial obligations as essential activities.
6. Use affirmations
Affirmations help to imprint in our minds the desired end results we want. Say them daily and write and place them in strategic positions around the home or office.
7. Learn new skills
It may be necessary to learn new skills to help you achieve your goals. Explore the opportunities and costs and start learning soon. Learn with a friend if you can as this will provide support.
8. Stay positive!
Positive vibrations are helpful in making changes. Use your religion as a crutch to strengthen your faith and to give you the resolve you need to keep on keeping on!
Although we have morphed into a society that does not easily accept change, your personal development is dependent on your attitude and the resolve you make to keep your resolutions for 2013. Commit to making the change, implement the strategies and you will surprise yourself and those around you. Happy new you!
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