Never Say……
- I don’t have time.
- I don’t have the money.
- I don’t have the skills.
- I am too old.
- I am too young.
Boasting is to be avoided. Some people say that I would have done this or I would have brought the Taj Mahal to Bangalore, if I had money etc. It is all not necessary and people do not honour such things.
- Keep your business (job) alive.
- Set up advisory boards (in big business) of outside professional people.
- Part time businesses turn out to become full time businesses when one puts in his efforts.
- Success in business comes as a result of planning. Have a written plan. Mention the ultimate goal. Mark each milestone.
- The plan should tell – what, why, when, where and how. A business plan is just an operational plan for achieving your goal. By this you can attract investors and obtain finance.
- In business do what has to be done immediately, procrastination is the enemy.
Today there is a lot of improvement and advancement in technology in general. Even an ordinary person if equipped with facilities can become a multimillionaire by putting effort and hard work. Because of revolution in education and training, there is competetion also. but have a clear mind and work well. You can achieve a lot.
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