I suppose the trick here is the “not feeling guilty” part, people in those other societies having had it drummed into them from birth that they ALWAYS have to be doing something, while here, of course, the somethings that we do are fitted, somewhat grumpily, around the doing nothing that is such an active part of our lives.
Inhale an energizing scent.
Research suggests that lemon and peppermint scents are energizing. To exploit this finding, have an occasional cup of lemon or peppermint tea…or chew peppermint gum.
Sip ice water.
It keeps your cells hydrated and helps you burn calories.
Practice “one-breath” meditation.
You don’t have to spend years mastering meditation. Sit in a comfortable chair. Straighten your back, relax your shoulders and take a deep breath. Let the air “open” your chest. Imagine it filling every cell in your body. Hold the breath for a moment, then exhale.
Minimize noise at home and at work.
Bask in bright light.
Most people get a powerful surge of energy from sunlight or bright indoor light. Make use of this effect by moving your desk or chair closer to a window…or take a five-minute outdoor walk every few hours.
Do abdominal exercise.
Use this technique while sitting at your desk or while stuck in traffic…Sit up straight. Place hands on hips with thumbs pointing towards your back. Exhale slowly and completely, pushing the last air out forcefully with your lower abdominals.
Perform mental “cross-training”.
Cross-training is the process by which you “stretch” your mind in as many different directions as possible by engaging in a variety of mental and physical activities. Word puzzles and other games are an easy way to perform this cross-training. Play Scrabble or do crossword puzzles…challenge a friend to chess, checkers or bridge.
Cook with “nutriceuticals”.
These are vegetables, herbs and spices that have specific healing properties. e.g. garlic and onions boost the immune system, helping prevent colds, black pepper, jalapenos, mustard and hot red peppers all boost your metabolism for several hours. (And some people want to know why I have been going on at a rate about pepper). However, utmost precautions should be taken when using the hottest chilies and peppers like Trinidad scorpion pepper.
Check your reading posture.
Poor posture-leaning over a desk for instance-can cause tension headaches, vision problems, and pain in the jaw and/or neck.
Do trigger-point therapy.
Whenever you feel tense, feel for a tight band of muscle tissue-a trigger point. Press or squeeze it with light to moderate pressure. Continue pressing for five to ten seconds, then release.
Curb indoor pollution.
Whenever possible, keep your windows open. Use exhaust fans in the bathroom, kitchen, and garage whenever you use these rooms…Make your home and office smoke-free.
Also helpful: Take a five-minute “mental vacation” every few hours.
Picture your favorite beach or another getaway place.
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