12 Things the Parent of a Manipal Student should know!

Following points need to be understood by every parent of a student studying at Manipal.

Manipal Academy of Higher Education aims to produce good professionals and seeks the co-operation of parents in achieving this goal. The infrastructure, amenities are of top class and the atmosphere is congenial for learning.

Following points need to be understood by every parent.

1. Do keep in regular touch with the teacher guardian of your son/daughter.
2. Be aware of your son/daughter’s academic progress especially attendance, internal assessment, marks in the university examinations.
3. Remit all the payments like tuition fees; hostel fee directly to MAHE in time.
4 Be aware of your son/daughter’s monthly expenditure and mode of expenditure.
5 MAHE may need to contact you sometimes urgently especially in case of accidents and emergency. Hence it is essential that change of address, change of phone numbers and e-mail address is informed promptly to the institution.
6 Do not encourage your son/daughter to extend the holiday and stay at home when he/she visits the family during vacation. He/she may end up with attendance shortage.
7 Instead of the student visiting the family often it is wiser to visit your son/daughter once in a way so that his/her studies go uninterrupted.
8 Do not provide the student with a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler especially in the first few formative years.
9 If the student has prior illness (physical or mental) please do keep the university informed. Students are covered under Medicare and are entitled for treatment in the hospital attached, which is well equipped and is a tertiary referral hospital.
10 In case of health problems for minor illness the student can attend out-patient health clinic and get treated. If the ill-health warrants inpatient care the student will be admitted. For minor ailments with short stay the parents may not be informed, but emergencies will be informed as early as possible. Students are covered under Medicare and these rules are made clear at the time of admission. Medicare renewal needs to be done promptly.
11 Students should stay in the hostel provided in the campus. Staying outside the campus independently has its own demerits and parents should discuss with the teacher guardian before consenting.
12 It is imperative that parents keep in regular touch with the institution officials especially in case of poor academic performers.

1 Comment

  1. My son shambaditya Mondal admitted MCA regular medical this year.As a parents we will follow those guide lines.Thanks.

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