What Is Pet CPR and How Do You Perform It?


Did you know that 88% of pet owners consider their pets family? Are you interested in learning about pet CPR but unsure where to start?

Sound familiar? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

This article discusses the tips for knowing pet CPR and how to perform CPR on your pet. Keep reading to get the inside scoop.

Golden Retriever lying on bed
Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash

What Is Pet CPR?

Pet CPR, also known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a technique used to help restore breathing and circulation in an injured or ill pet. It is a lifesaving measure that can help keep your pet alive until medical attention arrives. To perform pet CPR, the pet owner should place the pet comfortably on its side.

The pet owner then needs to secure and open the pet’s airway by tilting the head and lifting the chin. After blocking the airway, the pet owner should administer chest compressions over the broadest part of the chest.

In addition, an artificial respirator may be used, if available, to give the pet breaths of air, stopping the respirations when the chest rises with each breath.

Making the Emergency Decision

When deciding to perform pet CPR, assessing the situation and ensuring that the animal is unconscious and not merely sleeping is essential. To perform pet CPR, open the animal’s airway, check for breathing, and start chest compressions.

Ensure the animal’s chest is not compressed more than 25-30 times per minute. It is also essential to check and ensure the animal’s heart rate is regular. If not, continue CPR until the pulse is restored and professional help arrives.

woman and cat joining hands
Photo by Humberto Arellano on Unsplash

Tools and Supplies Needed

Having some essential tools and supplies to perform Pet CPR is necessary. The primary tools and supplies you may need include a pet carrier, a towel, a resuscitation mask, a stethoscope, a nasal cannula, a BP cuff, an IV fluid administration system, a thermostat, and an oxygen delivery device.

Additionally, you should have some medication on hand in an emergency. You should always have your veterinarian’s contact information in a crisis. With the right supplies and know-how, you can perform Pet CPR in a time of need.

Aftercare Tips

Aftercare tips following CPR are always essential and include letting the pet rest and providing a source of warmth, such as a blanket or heated pad, to avoid shock. Also, taking the pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible after being revived is essential to ensure no further complications.

To be pet CPR certified, consider MyCPR NOW’s Pet CPR Certification. Pet CPR certification ensures you will know what to do in the right way.

Learn How to Give Pet CPR Today

Pet CPR is an essential skill for any pet owner or caretaker. With this lifesaving knowledge, pet lives can be saved in emergencies. For those interested in learning more about Pet CPR, there are plenty of online tutorials, classes, and resources to teach you the proper techniques and protocols.

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