What is ManipalBlog?

Which Manipal? ManipalBlog

Not long ago, someone asked me how much money I got paid for being on ManipalBlog. Money? What a joke!ManipalBlog Old Logo

All the people who spend their time at the ManipalBlog do it of their own free will. None of us gets paid a dime. Many of us started out wanting to improve our writing skills, and then we just got hooked. I suppose some just like to see their name on the web!

I would like to point out what I feel is the obvious. We are just students, not professional writers. We are in the learning process. This process consists of trials and errors, and believe me when we misspell a word or blow a headline —no one feels worse than we do.

Does anyone know how many people are attending Manipal? Do you know about how many people are blogging at ManipalBlog? About 94.

In all sincerity, we all write for fun and fame. If you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas for stories, by all means, stop and comment on our blog or simply mail to admin@manipalblog.com.

It is you, our readers, who keep us going! Without your comments and stories, we are just another site on this web of knowledge and garbage!

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