Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal in collaboration with the Indian Dental Association and Volunteers Services Organization, MAHE organised a dental camp in the spirit of Daan Utsav. The camp was specially designed and catered towards teachers and non-teaching staff of Madhav Kripa school, Manipal. They were educated about saving avulsed tooth through an amazing street play, followed by a short demo and pamphlets, following which oral screening and minor treatment were done for the staff at the mobile dental clinic.
Tooth avulsion means the complete displacement of tooth out of the socket. It can happen because of the following reason :
- Fistfights
- Accidents
- Trauma during sports
Almost all of this occurs in school with everyone but few unlucky ones lose the tooth. Nobody wants to be toothless, so why not just put it back, yes you can put it back only if:
- the complete tooth is out
- there is no fracture in any structure of the tooth
- there is no damage to the root
- the tooth is washed under a gentle flow of water by holding crown without touching the root
Its as simple as putting it back into the socket, but one should not forget to go to the dentist immediately.
But what if you are not able to put it back due to profuse bleeding, too much pain, or you are unconscious… In that case you can store the tooth in one of the following medium like milk (whole milk not skimmed milk), HBSS (Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution), coconut water, and if none of the above is available one can use saliva of the patient or even keep tooth below the tongue and go to dentist ASAP, avoid using water.
Few cautions which need to be taken care of, avoid touching root of the tooth, avoid keeping the tooth in open atmosphere and reach to the dentist within 15 minutes to one hour maximum, after which the cells on the surface of the root dies, only permanent teeth can be replanted not deciduous/milk teeth.
The school staff were given insights on this because school children are especially vulnerable to tooth avulsion, and teachers need to be prepared and educated about what to do and how to go ahead. After the educational activity, the Non teaching staff of Madhav Kripa School received toothbrush sponsored by IDA (Indian Dental Association), Manipal Branch.
The team comprised of 2nd-year students, 3rd-year students, final year students, interns, one DSA(Dental Surgery Assistant) headed by Dr.Swati Pai and Dr.Vidya Saraswati from Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, MCODS, Manipal.
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