What is motivation?
Support, interest, and encouragement given to kids by their parents is termed as motivation.
Parents play a major role in motivating kids to learn, grow and to be a success. Kids really need care, help, and attention from their parents. By motivating, parents help their kids to do well in their school. There are several effects on parent’s motivation toward their kids. It helps them in achieving their goals, learning and also effects on their behavior. Every parent should motivate their child to face more challenges.
As a parent, it’s your role to motivate your kid in their failure, which can be overcome with lots of practice of all the subjects, such as teaching your children and making them practice NCERT questions and NCERT Solutions For Class 8 can be helpful for class 8 students to give a new understanding of the subject.
Also it is to be noted that as a parent you shall never compare your kid with others. Always try to recognize what your kid wants from you before they approach you.
Have you ever praised your child for their good job?
This motivation develops a positive attitude in kids. Never punish your child if they score low in their exams, instead of punishing, explain to them what is wrong and make them understand the importance of school, education, exams and tell them various success stories.
Various ways to motivate kids:
Parents can motivate their kids to learn in many ways such as-
- Teach kids the different types of fruits, vegetables, their names, shapes and their colors, while cooking and by feeding them. This activity helps the kids to know the importance of food they eat and can identify the different types of vegetables and fruits. While shopping, kids can also learn how to count numbers, so taking kids for shopping is also an activity to make them learn numbers.
- Make a practice of reading daily for 30-40 min, which may be either newspaper, novels, textbooks, storybooks, jokes etc.
- Read and explain the topic, so that kids get interested in reading. Start with storybooks or cartoon books. Practice by telling stories from their own storybooks.
- Read along with the kid, so that they may build their interest. To improve reading habits in kids spread the reading books around the room
- If the kid gets bored, then just discuss the pictures and drawings in their book.
- Always try to encourage kids to read, draw and to write rather than watching TV.
- Make a daily routine of reading newspaper in the morning and discuss the news.
- Always try to understand what exactly the kid prefers to read.
- Never allow the kid to play or to watch movies until they have finished their daily homework.
- Take them to the library and tell the advantages of education.
- Always try to discuss what your kid is reading, make them imagine the stories as by which they will increase the habit of reading.
- A kid will follow what their elders do, so read the newspaper, books magazines in front of the kid to improve their ability and their interest to study.
- The best way to motivate kids is by giving the advantages and benefits of school, homework, and books.
These were some important motivation tips which parents can help their kids learn for their growth and success.
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