The Neurosphere has launched the beta version of the platform for working with business companies

About The Neurosphere company

Researches in neurobiology has been going on for several decades. Scientists began to put forward theories and consider ways to create artificial intelligence back in 1943. After a while, science managed to achieve incredible success in working with artificial intelligence. A person has learned not only to develop, but also taught it to learn independently.

One of the companies that is actively working with neural networks is The Neurosphere. The group of scientists who founded it on November 10, 2015 were able to find a number of solutions that helped to develop perfect artificial intelligence. Thanks to researchers, software becomes available for business and helps to analyze a huge amount of information in a short time, thereby solving many of the problems that owners of large companies may face.

Launching platform beta testing

Today, you can familiarize yourself with the software that allows you to use all the available capabilities of TheNeurosphere platform. All data presented is based on actual conditions. That is, the beta version is a complete imitation of the ready product, but at the same time, work with these objects will not be charged.

The neural network developed by The Neurosphere is available for use today. Its main purpose is to identify errors in work. Scientists are striving to make artificial intelligence perfect. According to their project, it should not allow failures in work, analyzes, calculations and data storage. In addition, they plan to improve the self-learning process so that the network can quickly adapt to new conditions or atypical received data.

The head of the company posted a message on the Neurosphere website, which states that future versions of platforms for learning artificial intelligence. They will allow working with more complete information and larger amount of data. Such an update will become even more helpful and will be useful for the development of business structures.

Access to some of the platform’s features on the website is limited. The Neurosphere developers reported that this problem exists due to the fact that the platform is in the private beta stage, which limits the functionality of some functions. In the original version, the entire extended interface will be available to users.

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