Telemetry Receivers: the Last Stop For Data

There are many pieces involved in the process of telemetry. Telemetry is the measuring and collecting of data from a distance, and is of great value in science, engineering, and even marketing. One of the most important parts of this process is the telemetry receiver. Without it, the whole process is for naught.

Telemetry requires that information be collected by some sort of device. That device then has to send that information back some way to a location where the data can be collected. There, something must be available to receive the data. That thing is what we call a telemetry receiver. The term itself is quite general as a number of things, depending on the type of research being done, can act as telemetry receivers.

For instance, if blue whale migration patterns are being tracked by scientists in Oregon, they may use radio collars that work through satellites. They collect information about the whales and send it up to a satellite. The information is then beamed back down to the offices in Oregon where a small dish receives that information from the satellite and translates it into readable information. The small dish is a telemetry receiver in this instance.

Another case would be a radio box. Say scientists have placed a telemetry collection device in a volcano and that box sends information over radio waves. A telemetry receiver in this case might be a radio receiver that translates the information into a printout or disk for the scientists to look at.

No matter what is collecting the information and translating it, a telemetry monitor is key in data collection. Whether it is for science, industry, or business purposes, the information collected during telemetry is useless if it doesn’t get back to the collectors in a timely and readable manner. That is where receivers come in and ensure that the whole process has a chance to succeed.

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